Five top tips to beat entrepreneur’s block

A similar affliction to writer’s block, entrepreneur’s block, can make succeeding in business seem impossible.

Symptoms include quickly dismissing ideas by coming up with a long list of reasons why they won’t work, feelings of hopelessness and a lack of creativity. For many would-be entrepreneurs, the idea that they are doomed to failure can stop them ever pursuing their dream of starting their own business. For those who are already running a business, it could be what is stopping them moving their company to the next level or embracing new ideas and products.

But there’s no reason to be overcome by fears and doubts. Here are some things to try to beat the block:

1. Focus on solutions

Instead of getting bogged down with problems, start thinking of ways to solve them. Turn your negative thoughts into positive ideas by looking at ways you could get past the challenges.

2. Listen to other people

Don’t shut yourself away – talk to as many people as you can, from fellow entrepreneurs and potential customers, to family and friends. Listening to other people’s thoughts and ideas is a great source of inspiration if you’re looking for a business idea or a way to get past a difficult challenge. Other people may have a completely different view from you and opening your eyes to a different approach can be very helpful. Talking to real people will also help you gauge whether your business ideas are good ones and what changes need to be.

3. Do your research

Make sure you keep up to date with what is going on in your industry, as well as technological advances, Government policies and consumer trends. If you identify the major issues affecting your market and the direction your competitors and potential customers are moving in, it may be easier to work out what your next step should be.

4. Don’t be afraid of change

Starting a business or expanding an existing one requires change and risk, both of which can seem daunting. But if you want to achieve your goals, you need to take action and embrace change. Instead of just thinking about your ideas, start acting on them. Whether it is finding suitable business accommodation, launching a website or approaching someone for funding, you won’t get anywhere until you actually make a change. And while it is sensible to be cautious, you need to balance that out with positive thinking if you want to get ahead.

5. Ask for help

If you are an independent person, it can be difficult to accept help from others but it’s important to surround yourself with people who can help you achieve your business aims. Find mentors, coaches and role models and ask them for their advice. You may find many of them will be happy to give you their thoughts, ideas and assistance and it could be just the push you need.

Let us know if you have any other ideas by commenting below.

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